Attention all zombie horror fans! At exactly 2:00pm today (Thursday, October 6th), the Museum of the Weird in downtown Austin will be giving away a limited number of passes for you and a guest to see the midnight screening tomorrow night of the new zombie film, THE DEAD, directed by the Ford Brothers.
Shot on 35mm in Ghana and Burkino Faso, West Africa, THE DEAD explores new terrain in zombie tales, using all indigenous African actors as the ever hungry flesh-eating undead. Braving the harsh condition of deep Africa, Howard has fashioned a zombie film in the vein of grand master George Romero, crafting a hyper-realistic terrifying film without the use of CGI gimmickry or flashy camera movements.
This movie is genuinely creepy, I had the opportunity to catch it during last years Fantastic Fest. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one! It is screening at Midnight, Friday, October 7th at the Alamo Drafthouse on West Anderson Lane.
Passes will be given away at exactly 2:00pm on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t wait or they may be all gone! Limit one per customer (each pass is good for two people). The Museum of the Weird is located at 412 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701. See you here!